Improve Mood and Energy

“Seriously, this clock rules. I used to be miserable in the morning. H., Boston, MA

“ It can’t be bad for my career to get to work on time and in a pleasant mood.” N.B., Cincinnati, OH

“The Sunrise Clock has made a tremendous improvement in my mood and energy level”  G.S., Salt Lake City, UT

“The winter blues can usually be helped with increased physical activity and increased amounts of light in the environment. Try to use a dawn simulator.” University of Minnesota Health Services

“Most of us are aware of the really cheerful, the elevating effect of a bright sunny day on our mood, says Sheila, clinical assistant professor, and of the converse-the negative impact of a gray, gloomy day…Invest in a dawn simulator, which can be set to gradually lighten a room within minutes or hours” The Record,   University of Michigan

“It’s like waking up to the sun coming in the windows every morning…!” K.M., Grand Rapids, MI


“I’m in the US Army, and I wake up before the sun every day. Needless to say, I don’t really get enough sleep, but the SunRise clock makes getting out of bed much less painful. Not only does it make my life more pleasant, I think my soldiers appreciate the difference in my early-morning mood as well!”      D., LT U.S. Army DMZ, Korea